Third day!
So today I was very good! Yay! I am sure I will have a bad days too but I am happy today was a good day!
Diet -
Weetos and Alpro Soya milk (unsweetened)
So I know they are chocolatey but if you are going have some "bad" best to have it in the morning so you can burn it off. Plus Weetos still keep you full till lunch!

Large bowl of Home made vegetable soup!
My mum made soup it took like 10 mins and it was so yummy!!
I will do a video about it!
I was gonna have bread with it but it was necessary it tasted too good!
Fresh home made brown bread and vegan "butter" spread.
I was pretty full after my soup so I just had some brown bread that my boyfriend's mum made. Its the best ever!
What I did:
- I didn't sleep very well, the weather was terrible and I was up till 3.30am editing videos, I only went to sleep because the electric when out so I had to give up and then I had to get up early to upload them. I only got about 6 hours which was bad.
As I said before we need to sleep 7 hours per night to be healthy!
So boo to the "hope to get into a good routine" but I will start tonight!
- Had my breakfast with a glass of apple juice! Yummy!!
- I had work to do, emails to answer and youtube stuff but I told myself I had to find time to do a work out so I did a short one.
I did about 25-30min
Warm up for about 5 min
Some Fast Paced Cardio Workout
and good old Belly Dancing
Cool Down
- I took a shower, used a heat protect shampoo and conditioner on my hair and let it dry naturally again. Only because I was in a rush to met my boyfriend!
- Had my brown bread and apple juice. (Could do for some more actually but its bed time!ha)
Tip of the day:
Eat like a King for breakfast, a Prince for lunch and a Beggar for dinner!
Apparently this is what Kim K does!! :)
Love Miss Cady! x
It sounds like you did amazingly today! That is fantastic!